Mike Cho New Assistant Men’s Dean for Wisconsin Academy

A warm welcome to Mike Cho, who is joining Wisconsin Academy staff as Assistant Men’s Dean. Mike received a BS in Biochemistry from Pacific Union College, and a M.Div. from Andrews University Theological Seminary.  He is coming from New York where he has served as the English Ministry Pastor for the Northern New York Korean SDA Church.

Mike was born in Thousand Oaks, California, and raised in sunny southern California. His parents and grandma currently live in Simi Valley, California. He has one sister who is a a full time missionary abroad in east Asia.

When asked to share a bit of his testimony, Mike wrote back, “I am not a poet, but in the span of maybe five minutes, this poem came out of my heart.”

In my past life my eyes could see
All the faults of those ’round me
How foolish they seemed
Those unredeemed
Lawless workers of iniquity
Not me I thought
My life was bought
For I am saved
I’m well behaved
Could there be a fault in me?
Confessions made
Repentance asked
Forgiveness granted
Atonement complete

And on the rock He broke my heart
And now I see
The wickedness in me
Trifling with hearts
Lust of the flesh
Roots of bitterness
The pride of self
Love of pleasure
Love of the world
I was so quick to defend
Every part of me
That God could not get through to me

Now I see the wickedness in me
Now I depend on the Lord above
Living daily in His love
By the grace of God I will be His tool
Let the world say I’m a fool
I will be anchored to the witness stand
My role is clear now
My Boss has shown me
I am to be
A testimony

Mike enjoys playing sports, riding motorcycles, and using tools to make and fix things. He also enjoys meaningful relationships that are set to last for eternity. “Wherever I go, whatever I do, I want to make a positive impact for Jesus on peoples lives,” said Mike. “The warmest feelings in my life have come from great friendships: laughter, smiles, spending quality time, playing together. Loving God and loving others is what I strive for in life.”

Juanita Edge, Communication Director