Men’s Ministries

Men’s Ministries

Ministries > Men’s Ministries

What We Do..

Men’s Ministries exists to encourage Christian fellowship and spiritual renewal among the men of Wisconsin. This is provided by an annual weekend retreat held at Camp Wakonda. Guest speakers, uplifting music, good food, and the natural surroundings all combine to deepen faith and develop courage.

Men of Faith Retreat

Upcoming Retreat:

NAD Men’s Ministries

Galvanize the energy and resources of men for God, Family, Church and Community.

Men who love and have committed their energy and resources to God, Family, Church and Community.

NAD Men’s Ministries Facebook Page

Encouragement and support for your daily life! Connect with other men across the North American Division.

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Who We Are

Payne, Zack

Youth Director, Men's Ministries Coordinator