Meet Our Camp Meeting Speakers: Yin Schaff

Yin Schaff will be sharing a seminar titled "My Gut and My Health" on Friday, June 21.

Camp Meeting May 2, 2024

Yin Schaff has served as the Health Ministries Coordinator for our conference since 2021. A cardiac nurse of 37 years, Yin received her nursing degree from Southwestern Adventist College, and later furthered her education and became a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She has also served as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the area of cardiology.

Yin has always enjoyed a nursing style that helps people not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. “To Make Man Whole,” is a mission statement she tries to emulate. Yin says, “When I am able to point patients and their families to the Great Physician, and introduce them to the master healer, Jesus Christ, it is very satisfying for me.”Her passion is to educate patients, families, and communities about having a healthy lifestyle.

Yin is a member of the Duluth Seventh-day Adventist church and has lead health ministry programs for her church. She is happily married to her husband, James. She loves reading, tasting/revising/trying different plant based whole food recipes, cooking, baking sourdough bread, gardening, sewing, quilting, walking, hiking and swimming. She also loves traveling and doing health missionary work.

Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator