Madison Mustangs Have Fun with Chocolate

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Madison Mustang Pathfinders and Adventurers are continuing to meet during Covid, but not in the usual way. Saturday, January 9, the young people met on Zoom. Pastor Loren Nelson led out in worship and then the group worked on the Chocolate Honor. Prior to the meeting, one of the Pathfinder leaders, and her daughters put together a bag of supplies needed to complete the honor. Each family picked up the bag of supplies at the local Adventist school and were instructed not to look in the bag until the Zoom meeting. After worship, she and her girls led out in teaching the honor. Some of the interesting items in the bag were white chocolate, dark chocolate, carob chips, cacoa beans, and cacoa nibs. The young people all made brownies, chocolate covered bananas, and melted chocolate, each at their own homes.The honor culminated with a fun Kahoot quiz on chocolate. It was a fun and delicious honor, all done over a Zoom meeting!  We are looking forward to our next Zoom honor, Glass Painting.

Madison Mustang Pathfinder Staff
