Seminar Presenters (L to R): Back Row: Bruce Yngsdal, Thea Bach, Tola Ewers, Bill Martin
Front Row: Carole Villanueva, Doug Martin, Eric Gordon
Seminar Presenters (L to R): Back Row: Bruce Yngsdal, Thea Bach, Tola Ewers, Bill Martin Front Row: Carole Villanueva, Doug Martin, Eric Gordon

Madison Community Hosts Successful Lay Evangelism Bible Prophecy Seminar

In response to the conference-wide "Reach Wisconsin" initiative, the Madison Community Church

Local Church May 13, 2024

Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church held its 15-part Lay Evangelism Bible Prophecy Seminar from April 8-26, 2024. Entitled “Revelation Today: A New Day is Dawning”, the seminar was held at 7:00 pm every Monday – Friday for 3 weeks. The format of this prophecy seminar was in response to the Wisconsin Conference statewide initiative for 2024 called “Reach Wisconsin.”   

We had exceptional speakers from our lay congregation! Eight volunteers picked their presentation subjects from the suggested topics provided by It Is Written. Each person presented between one and three times. We were so happy to see the large number of volunteers step up to present these topics. Four of the presenters were preaching from the pulpit for the very first time, answering God’s call with no previous pulpit experience. We were able to hold meetings five evenings in a row because the presenters took turns during the week. All presenters added some personal comments to the It Is Written material (slides and text) which made the series completely unique from typical prophecy seminars.   

We had visitors from the community in attendance. We put posters up in the neighborhood, publicized on our church Facebook page, and asked our congregation to share the upcoming event with their friends and family. The personal invitations were successful for the in-person attendees. We also live-streamed the series on YouTube and Facebook. 

In addition, our three new members, who were baptized on April 20 of this year, also benefitted from listening to the seminar.

Pastor Rowell Puedivan expressed his thanks to all the lay presenters: Thea Bach, Tola Ewers, Eric Gordon, Bill Martin, Doug Martin, Carole Villanueva, Tedroy Wilson, Bruce Yngsdal.  You did a terrific job!

Sue Martin, member of the Madison Community Church

Seminar Presenters (L to R): Back Row: Bruce Yngsdal, Thea Bach, Tola Ewers, Bill Martin Front Row: Carole Villanueva, Doug Martin, Eric Gordon
Tedroy Wilson – also a presenter, but was not able to be part of the group picture.