Kenosha Congregation Dedicates New Church Building

Kenosha Congregation Dedicates New Church Building

On Sabbath, January 6, members of the Kenosha Company gathered for a special celebration – the dedication of their new church building! The congregation had a long journey in finding this building, but they have definitely seen God’s hand in the process.

The company had previously been meeting in a location with no off-street parking and no main floor restrooms. It was no longer meeting their needs and began looking for a new place to worship. They considered several buildings before this one became available, each one seeming to be the right one. However, God had a better place in mind right on the main street of town with a lot of visibility making it easy for visitors to find!

After finding the right place, there was still some work to do. Lay Pastor, George Andrews said, “We had to have a lot of vision in order to see a one-time tailor shop turned into a place of worship. You would never know it wasn’t a church setting. To God be the glory!” Renovations were completed with the help of donated commercial floor tiles, given by church members in Wisconsin.

The congregation was eager to begin ministry in their new location and Andrews held his first evangelistic series there shortly after the building was purchased.

The dedication service was a time of celebration for the members, many of whom shared their excitement for their new church sanctuary. They also appreciated the presence of Wisconsin Conference officers, Titus Naftanaila, president, and Amir Gulzar, executive secretary/treasurer who came to assist in conducting the dedication of the church building.

The celebration ended with a time of fellowship sharing a meal together.

The members of the Kenosha Company are thankful for God’s blessings and are anxious to see how He will lead them in the future.


George Andrews, Kenosha Company Lay Pastor
Bill Ochs, Planning Giving & Trust Services Director
Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator