Keep Your Heart Focused

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It’s only March 1, but someone just told me it feels like March 330. This pandemic has been nothing short of a bumpy ride! It seems like we don’t have answers for anything, yet with vaccines on the rise, and declining illness, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. When all this began I thought we would be in and out of it within 6-8 weeks, and now 50+ weeks later we are still living with so many different issues.

No matter the times and situation I have been encouraged by the creative efforts and ideas that our youth leaders around the state have exercised in order to reach our young people. Churches have also pulled together to do their best to continue to reach each of us. This is a reminder to me of how Jesus always met people where they were, no matter the diversity that came His way. He faced so many obstacles and challenges, yet never gave up reaching His people. When He met the leper, the woman that touched the hem of His cloak, the town that wanted to stone Him, all the times that He was faced by leaders with false motives…He never gave up reaching out!

In our times of adversity, it’s our duty, responsibility, and privilege to continue to be a blessing to others around us. It’s our mission to share how good Jesus was, is, and will be! It’s our job to share what heaven will be like! And it’s our charge to share this with our young people! Today depression, anxiety, and suicide are a larger reality to our young people than they ever have been. Our mission in the Youth Department has always been to mimic Jesus methods and reach our young people where they are, to share that they have a God who is worried about the little things just as much as the big. He’s wild about their hearts, and seeing them in heaven one day when he comes back for each of us!

We are excited about what the Lord has in store for our young people and are here to be encouraging and uplifting in every way possible. We are continually making plans and studying state guidelines and regulations in order to make face to face ministry safe and possible in this time of isolation! I encourage you to keep your heart focused on the good that the Lord has in store for us and studying His words! We will do our best to keep you all up to date with what’s happening with Camp Wakonda, Pathfinders, Adventurers, and Public Campus Ministries. We will always work our hardest for our young people and if we can ever be a blessing to you in your personal ministry or public ministry never hesitate to contact us!

-Pastor Eric, Wisconsin Conference Youth Director
