On November 23, 2019, the Beloit, Woodland, and Delavan District churches were blessed with both a baptism by immersion and profession of faith service. Several of the candidates made the decision to accept the Savior into their hearts after attending the Jesus On Prophecy seminar which began in late September, 2019, and was presented in both the Beloit and Delavan churches. The seminar in Beloit was presented by Gary McHone, and the series in Delavan by Pastor Abraham Swamidass. The church district is happy to welcome the following individuals to their respective churches:
Baptism & Profession of Faith Candidates
Donald L Hagar (Beloit)
Augie Mohaupt (Delavan)
Kim Mohaupt (Delavan)
Marlene Bonjean (Delavan)
Profession of Faith
O’zell Golden (Janesville)
Latrisha L Golden (Janesville)
Linette Stewart, Communications Committee, Delavan Church