It’s Time to Be Thankful and Celebrate

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I cannot hide that I had some concerns about being part of the organizing team for camp meeting this year in the context of COVID-19. It was my first big challenge after being elected as the new president of the Wisconsin Conference. After the Executive Committee reconsidered the initial decision to cancel camp meeting, the Conference Administration and the Camp Management Committee took the responsibility seriously. 

A series of meetings were conducted, guest speakers and musicians were invited, and volunteers were organized. For the first time, I experienced what an actual camp meeting looks like. It is not just what happens during the regular time at Camp Wakonda. It involves a lot of planning and preparation, at the Conference office and especially at the campground.  

I have been pleased to observe the level of excitement of all participants in reconnecting with old friends and family members, establishing new connections that will last for a long time. We have been hungry to meet with one another and spend precious time sharing our stories and personal experiences. The high degree of participation in the seminars and worship services demonstrated our desire for spiritual revival and reformation. 

Now, at the end of a successful camp meeting, I want to express my thoughts of appreciation for our Heavenly Father, who has blessed us with this beautiful spiritual retreat. I am thankful to Him for keeping us safe and providing the best physical and emotional environment for spiritual rejuvenation, fellowship, and physical relaxation. 

I am grateful to all of our guest speakers and musicians who accepted our invitation on very short notice. All of them incorporated the camp meeting theme, It’s Time, in a beautiful and complementary way. We have been enriched by various perspectives and applications related to the present time and eternity. 

I am thankful to the multitude of volunteers and staff who sacrificed precious time and energy to contribute to an effective camp meeting. Camp Wakonda has always existed, and continues to exist, only based on the generosity of time and resources of all of us. Our lovely campground and Wisconsin Academy represent the two “sacred cows” of our Conference. 

Now, It’s Time to go back to our homes, churches, and communities with a new desire for a deeper relationship with God, practicing spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, and personal and corporate worship. It’s Time to continue to use our spiritual gifts for the edification of our churches. It’s Time to let God use us as His ambassadors in our communities, communicating His message of love and salvation for our family, friends, and neighbors. 

Once, again I am grateful for God’s grace and for allowing us to have such a blessed camp meeting. May He bless all of you until we meet again. Maranatha!

Titus Naftanaila, Wisconsin Conference President
