The passage from Isaiah 6 is often referenced during periods of concern and uncertainty to remind us of God’s sovereignty and unshakable control. In times of prosperity, it is easy for individuals to overlook God’s sovereignty and providence, leading them to believe they are solely responsible for their lives and destinies.
At the beginning of the year, many individuals reflect on their future and that of their families. Additionally, concerns regarding the stability and direction of the church may arise during uncertain times.
Where is God when an individual we cherish experiences suffering or death? Where is the divine presence amid undesirable changes occurring within society and church institutions? How can one effectively respond to a reality that may appear overwhelming?
The passage from Isaiah 6:1 states, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.”
The verse inspires an atmosphere of trust and confidence, emphasizing the belief that the Creator of the Universe and the Owner of our lives and circumstances remain accountable for realizing His ultimate plans. He remains in control and will guide human history according to His intentions.
Whether the challenges are longstanding or emerging, it is essential to acknowledge, as Psalm 47:8 states, that “God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.” No matter the trials we face, we can take comfort in knowing that God reigns, is watching over us, and will guide us through every challenge.
Titus Naftanaila