Fox Valley Church Partners with Local Police Department

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On December 20, 2022, the Fox Valley Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located in Neenah WI, partnered with its local police department in an outreach effort to the community. Together they distributed twenty gift cards from Festival Foods, in the amount of $150 each, to families that were in need. 

Elder Tim Wren, the church’s Community Service Leader, organized the event along with Sandy Ritzke, fellow church member. Officer Joe Benoit-Loizon, from the police department, and Pastor Carlos Ancheta, from the Fox Valley Church, delivered each of the gift cards.

Pastor Ancheta, looking for ways to be involved in the community, recently became a volunteer chaplain for the Fond du Lac Police Department, another police department in his area. The department is excited for his participation and thankful he is able to serve as their Sunday Chaplain, a position that has been hard for them to fill. Pastor Ancheta is excited to be joining the team and to have the opportunity to support and minister in this way.

Carlos Ancheta, pastor of the Fox Valley District
