Finding God in Tumultuous Times: Milwaukee Central Zoom Seminar

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A Virtual Afternoon of Reflection Featuring Small Group Discussion

January 30th, 2020
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Milwaukee Central SDA Church Family Ministries 

Join us via ZOOM for an afternoon of reflection and retreat as we come together to process the momentous times in which we are living. We will share reflections on the losses brought by the pandemic, and affirm the blessings of the lasting changes our faithful God is working in us in every season.

A hallmark of this event will be the opportunity, via ZOOM, to break into facilitated small groups where we can connect with one another, share our stories and insights, and be encouraged by our shared faith in God.

Schedule for the Afternoon:

1:30-1:45 PM  Intro to “Grieving What We Have Lost” –Pastor Sheldon R. Bryan, Ed.S.

1:45-2:30 PM  Break into facilitated small group sharing on our grief and loss

2:30-2:45PM  Intro to “Unexpected Blessings: How Is God Changing Us In the Midst of the Pandemic?” –Robert Nohr, PhD & Dee Piekarek, PhD, Family Ministry Coordinators

2:45-3:30 PM  Break into facilitated small group sharing on our unexpected blessings

3:30-4:00 PM Large group discussion: Wrap up, share highlights from small groups, closing prayers.

This would be a great event to invite a friend or family member to “virtually” attend with you! We will create virtual discussion groups out of the attendees but can group you with specific people where helpful.

This event will not have a public broadcast as it is built on small group personal sharing. Thus it’s necessary for those planning to attend to pre-register and provide your email and cell phone number ahead of time so we can plan for the small group portion, as well as provide you with the login information.

To pre-register, or for more information, contact Pastor Sheldon Bryan at 414-982-9976, or Bob Nohr at 414-617-7576,
