Join Pathway to Health Pathway to Health, a humanitarian service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is bringing free medical, dental, and vision care to St. Louis! This incredible event will provide life-changing healthcare services to those in need, and we need 3,000 volunteers to make it happen. We are calling on licensed medical professionals—including doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and therapists—as…
🚨 Important Reminder 🚨 The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) application window closes April 17! All applications, along with financial and residency documents, must be submitted by this deadline. The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) application window is open monthly from the 1st to the 20th. Remember, students must apply each year to remain eligible. 📝 Apply for MPCP or WPCP here: WA Re-enrollment…
RETIRO DE VARONES 2025 ¡Atención a todos los Varones! ¡Es momento de transformar tu vida en cuerpo, mente y espíritu! Te invitamos a ser parte del Retiro de Varones “SÁNAME SEÑOR” con el Dr. Juan Ramírez, un médico y experto en salud, quien nos guiará a través de temas que no solo fortalecerán tu fe,…
Entrenamiento para Maestros y líderes de Niños de Escuela Sabática. *Están invitados todos los Maestros y voluntarios que trabajan en los departamentos de Niños de Kindergarden y primarios, líderes de Iglesia, Pastores y Padres. Les invitamos a una reunión especial de capacitación donde presentaremos el nuevo currículo para Escuela Sabática y Escuela Bíblica de Verano.…
Teaching Opportunity – Waukesha We are seeking a committed Adventist teacher to join our Waukesha Campus and finish out the school year! This one-room school, where six wonderful students attend, is part of the greater Milwaukee Adventist school system. If you feel called to this opportunity or know someone who might be a great fit, please send a resume to Your support through…
JAHWI Reporte de Global Youth Day 2025 El “El Dia Mundial de la Juventud” se llevó a cabo en la Escuela Adventista Norte de Milwaukee el 14 y 15 de marzo, organizado y dirigido por la Directiva de la Federación de Jóvenes Adventistas Hispanos de Wisconsin. Este evento buscó inspirar a los jóvenes a participar activamente…