Family Life Ministries: Marriage Pick-Me-Ups, Teens’ Thoughts on Marriage and More

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Enjoy these resources from our Family Ministries Coordinator:

1.It’s 2 pm on a Wednesday, and you’ve hit a wall. You’re feeling sleepy and your motivation and productivity have bottomed out. Time for a pick-me-up -something small that lifts your mood and gives you a boost of energy. Does it ever feel like your marriage could use a little pick-me-up, too?  On the Prepare-Enrich blog you will find 25 quick ideas to try with your spouse (Click HERE).

2.Marie-Claire Chappet wrote a thoughtful article (Click HERE) on BAZAAR, entitled “Friendships are our greatest asset, so why do we not celebrate them more?” in which she makes the point that we are a society which celebrates commitment – but only of the amorous variety. It may have to do with our personality type (introvert vs. extrovert), or countless other reasons, but this article encourages to treasure and celebrate true friendships.

3.More Dads Should “Lean Out” and Stay at Home. This is a very interesting  article (Click HERE) written by Timothy B. Lee about stay-at-home dads whose wives are the main breadwinners. Lee includes information from New America CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter who cited research finding that female-breadwinner couples tend to have lower marital satisfaction. Lee spoke to other dads in marital arrangements like his and lessons they learned. It’s a very insightful article to read and become aware of.

4.Teens’ Expectations for Marriage. Elysse ElHage writes that a new MAST Center report finds that 95% of teens ages 15 to 19 expect to get married, nearly 80% expect to cohabit, and 87% expect to have children someday. Great information from the IFS you can read HERE. Also from IFS, Well-Being and Religiosity. In this article (Click HERE) by Janet Erikson she explains that religious participation in adolescence is associated with greater psychological well-being, character strengths, and lower risks of mental illness.

Abraham Swamidass, Family Life Ministries Coordinator

