Over 2,000 Complete Maple Sugar Honor at Wisconsin Academy Booth During Oshkosh Pathfinder Camporee

Over 2,000 Complete Maple Sugar Honor at Wisconsin Academy Booth During Oshkosh Pathfinder Camporee

The Wisconsin Academy booth at the Oshkosh International Pathfinder Camporee offered the Maple Sugar honor, which turned out to be extremely popular. Over 2,000 Pathfinders waited in line up to three hours for the opportunity to experience this walk-through exhibit, learn how maple syrup is made, and complete the honor requirements.

Each Pathfinder was given an iPad with 24 multiple-choice questions on the process, conditions, and equipment necessary for making maple syrup. They gathered the answers by reading information and observing the actual equipment and tools used in making maple syrup from Wisconsin Academy trees. They also got to taste the sweet syrup made this spring from tapping some of the maple trees growing on campus.

Juanita Edge, Communication Director