Editor’s Note: The Gift of Time

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Gift-giving is a big part of Christmas. As I think of gifts I’ve received over the years, I realize that shared time and experiences are by far my most treasured and remembered gifts.

There’s something timeless about spending meaningful time with someone. We feel valued, loved, and cared about. Though we cannot see, touch, taste, or buy time, the way we spend our time says more about who and what we truly care about than anything else I can think of.

The time that I set aside to commit to someone or something is time that can never be replaced. A positive experience can’t be bought, sold, or taken away from us. Time is surely the very best gift I can share with someone. We all have time, but how we choose to spend it speaks volumes!

I can see why Jesus gave us the gift of Sabbath, a whole day of time each week to be together! It’s got to be the most wonderful and powerful way to grow close and demonstrate love for each other on a regular basis.

Time. What a priceless gift! Affordable, meaningful, valuable. It’s the perfect gift this Christmas season.

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
