Editor’s Note: New Heart, New Spirit

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When I was a senior in academy, I remember a quiet simple sophomore girl who always seemed to have a smile on her face. I don’t remember her name, but I remember feeling drawn to her because she seemed so happy, good, and content all the time. Whenever issues came up at school she always looked at the bright side, and her few words were always positive and encouraging. She wasn’t popular, beautiful, or outstanding in any way, yet she obviously loved Jesus and intuitively I knew He was the source of her radiating contentment and joy. She had something the rest of us obviously didn’t. I secretly admired her.

One evening I nervously visited her dorm room. I wanted to let her know I looked up to her and wished I could experience the close walk with God that effected my life like she obviously had. It seemed like there was a purer atmosphere around her or something. The words she shared didn’t give me any new information. She read her Bible morning, and evening, and any other time she had a chance. She talked to God a lot throughout the day privately, and knelt by her bed to pray every morning and evening. But when she did those things it had deep meaning and made a profound impact on her life. When she read her Bible and prayed, God showed up. She seemed to shine like I envision Moses did when in the presence of holy God.

I learned that day, and am still learning, that our invisible God is real, alive, powerful, and transforming. If I give Him time and space in my life, and align myself with His will and presence, He will truly come and begin to live in me. He will “give me a new heart, and will put a new spirit in me,” as He promises in Ezekiel.

I have a new Bible that highlights promises on almost every page, displaying them artistically so I can color them. It is fast becoming my favorite Bible, because as I color I have time to focus my mind, to absorb, process and accept what God is saying to me in each verse. It’s another tool allowing me time with my personal transforming God. “Please, Lord, like you did for my academy friend, give me that new heart, and put Your sweet spirit in me.”

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
