Editors Note: A Daily Prayer

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This week I had the privilege of helping my mother move in with Mike and I. We anticipate many blessings by her living with us. One blessing already is discovering old articles, quotes, and pictures she has collected through the years. I found “A Daily Prayer” printed on one old yellowed paper, and as it touched my heart, I thought I’d share it with you here.

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Great God, make me decent, orderly, appreciative, useful, courageous and kind, in the work of the day ~

Let me not weaken myself by anger, cheapen myself by boasting, or play the fool by lying ~

Give me to remember that there are others in the world besides my self, and that they are men like unto me ~

Teach me to observe the rules of the game; to come through defeat victorious and out of victory unspoiled ~

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Let me not be unmindful of the gift of friend or foe, for both are much of my own making ~

For my sake and for the sake of my comrades, keep me wholesome and cheerful, but if the devil of error should grasp me a times, grant me the good sense to go quietly along until the impulse to act wrongly shall have passed ~

And at the end of each day, bring me to my bed with a knowledge that greed and malice and envy and hatred have played a lesser part in my thinking; that my weariness is the result of well-doing ~


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This prayer reminds me of Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” This is my prayer and I know it is yours as well.

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
