Music ministry is a special way to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people. The musical ,“I’ve Seen Jesus,” covers the 40 days from Jesus’s resurrection to His ascension and shows what that means to us today.
The results were multi-faceted. This Easter musical brought our church family closer together for an outreach event for our community. We had participants of all ages. Children remember the music and learn about Jesus.
Reactions from some in the audience:
“Loved the contemporary presentation. For me, it moved it from entertainment to praise today. Thank you for all your hard work.”
“This Easter presentation spoke volumes to my heart, am truly blessed by this experience!! Well done, everyone performed so awesomely!! The music, the lessons, the proof of JESUS, He was, He is, He is evermore and forever in all our hearts!! This was a BLESSING!!”
Neighborhood boys who attended asked questions afterwards to the member who portrayed Jesus. The cast and crew also had comments like:
“This was awesome worship, not just a show.”
“This was presented in such a way that people can relate to and follow Jesus. The music was a big part of the message, as was the narration.”
Changed from our 2019 Easter production, we had a new song and scenes to begin the program showing Jesus leading up to His crucifixion and two new soloists. Directed by Pastor Rowell Puedivan, we did a contemporary version for our 11:00 am worship service and the traditional version in period costumes at 7:00 pm on April 16, 2022.
The free-will offering after the morning service was designated for ADRA-Ukraine. The evening offering was split between the local non-profits, The River Food Pantry in Madison ,and Shelter from the Storm Minis✞ries in Sun Prairie (addresses the problem of homelessness for single moms and their children).
The musical was also live-streamed on our church’s Facebook page and YouTube channel. You can watch the contemporary version from a link on our church website’s homepage:
Being in the crew of this musical was very special to me because I have a passion for evangelism, love music, and enjoy working with my church family, Additionally, I felt closer to Jesus by what He has done for me, and I worshipped Him.
I’ve Seen Jesus- and Jesus is Alive!
Submitted by Sue Martin, Clerk of Madison Community