Dr. Hyveth Williams DVD’s Available from Women’s Ministry

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This has definitely been a strange year. We were able to enjoy the retreat in March at Camp Wakonda with Tawny Sportsman when we prayed through the Sanctuary.

We looked forward to assembling together on the weekend of September 25-27, 2020, at the Wisconsin Dells with Dr. Hyveth Williams, but this had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, and the speaker was postponed until 2022.

Yet, Dr. Hyveth Williams has a message we all need to hear as we travel along our prayer journey and daily prepare for our final destination – Heaven. She agreed to still bless us with her insights and spirit filled words of counsel and wisdom through DVD’s. For a cost of $60, this DVD gift package can be sent to you from the Wisconsin Women’s Ministries Committee.  You can also share this with your friends by also purchasing a gift set for them.

We had planned to have the gift package mailed to the ladies who registered in time for the September 25-27 weekend We apologize for the delay,  but they will be ready to be mailed by October 2, 2020.

In times like these we wonder if there is an end to all of this mess in our world.  We definitely need to stay connected to God by daily surrendering and daily submitting our wills to Him; and by reading His Word and communicating with Him daily.

We are on a journey and we want to receive the gift of eternal life! God’s desire is that our final destination is HEAVEN !!!!!! May we all be there.

Listed below are the topics that are shared with us on DVD by Dr. Hyveth Williams and how to order:

Along The Prayer Journey- Final Destination-Heaven
*Friday – Vespers – Following Your Feelings: Jeremiah 17:9-10

*Sabbath am – Don’t  Hang Up Your Harp: Psalm 137:1-6

*Sabbath 11 am – Not Far From The Kingdom: Mark 12:28-34

*Sabbath pm  – Extraordinary Women of God: John 8:1-11

*Sunday – I’m Not Leaving ‘Till I Get What I Came For: Luke 8:40-48



Thank you so much for your patience. I thank God for making it possible for His Word, given by His servant, to reach the ladies who need to hear the good news about our final destination is Heaven.

May God continue to bless you abundantly. Praise God and amen.

Patricia Antoine-Norton, Wisconsin Women’s Ministries Coordinator



