Watertown Pathfinder/Adventurer Clubs Collect Food for Local Pantry

Watertown Pathfinder/Adventurer Clubs Collect Food for Local Pantry

Watertown Sentinels Pathfinder Club along with the Watertown Adventurer Club members collected well over 200 canned and non-perishable food items to

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Register Now for August 12-17, 2019, Oshkosh Camporee

Don't miss the 2019 Chosen International Camporee in Oshkosh, WI, August 12-17, 2019! Register today at Camporee.org.

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Madison Mustangs Pathfinders Collect 690 Food Items for Families in Need

Last week the 16 member Madison Mustangs Pathfinder club, of the Madison East Church, collected 690 non-perishable food items weighing about 570

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Training Program Launched To Reinvigorate Youth Sabbath School

Why have Sabbath School? Was a question discussed by featured guest speaker, Steve Case, president of Involve Youth, at the recent Ignite Sabbath School Training held in

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