Registration Extension for April 16-18 Empowerment Retreat

Registration Extension for April 16-18 Empowerment Retreat

Hello ladies, I have great news for you! The Early Bird $10 discount has been extended to April 6, 2021 for the

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Women’s Ministries Events Coming in 2021

Well, we have survived two months into the new year of 2021. Some have experienced snowfall as little as

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2020 Women’s Retreat DVDs Available Thru March 31, 2021

The Wisconsin Conference Women's Ministry Committee would like to let you know that the 2020 Women's Retreat messages

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Wisconsin Women’s Empowerment Virtual Conference April 16-18, 2021 Early Bird Rate thru March 15, 2021

Wisconsin Women's Ministries is pleased to announce the 2021 Empowerment Virtual Conference entitled

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Women’s Ministries February 2021 Update

Believe or not we have already survived the first month of the year 2021 and we are now

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Wisconsin Women’s Ministry Message for 2021

This past year has been a challenging one for all of us and it has definitely been an example of how quickly things can

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Women’s Retreat Presentations Now Available on USB Drive and DVD

This has been quite a year, but God has sustained us through it all. If we have breath, we can praise Him

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Wisconsin Academy Students Lead Small Sabbath School Groups

A few Sabbaths ago, I had the privilege of sitting in on one of our student Sabbath School groups. I wish

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Dr. Hyveth Williams DVD’s Available from Women’s Ministry

This has definitely been a strange year. We were able to enjoy the retreat in

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Women’s Ministries Visit Perfect Timing Gift Shop

This was the caption on the front page of the newspaper of West Bend for the gift store, Perfect Timing, owned by

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