Worship Works Wisconsin 2022: Worship Leaders Training

Worship Works Wisconsin 2022: Worship Leaders Training

Worship leaders across Wisconsin are invited to Worship Works Wisconsin 2022, where you can learn more

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Wisconsin Conference Holds 39th Constituency Session

On the morning of October 16, 2022, over 270 delegates from across the state of Wisconsin came

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North American Division Annual Summit on Abuse Online November 13

Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference. The annual North American Division Summit on

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October Sales from Three Angels Christian Books

25% off Ellen G. White books plus much more in this month's sales!

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Executive Committee Report August 24, 2022

The August 24 Executive Committee meeting opened with a short devotional thought by Ministerial Director

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Tim Madding Guest Speaker for Northern District Sabbath

On Sabbath, October 1, 2022, the churches in the northern districts of the Wisconsin Conference will be gathering

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Retiro de Damas Hispanas 2022/Hispanic Women’s Retreat

No te pierdas la oportunidad de participar en el Retiro de Damas, bajo el título “La Actitud de una mujer Virtuosa cumpliendo el propósito de Dios” y Feria de Salud

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The LightHouse Thrift Store August Sales

Check out the August sales at The LightHouse Thrift Store!

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Lake Union to Host Religious Liberty Rally

You are invited to join Pastor Dwight Nelson and a panel of North American Division and Lake Union Public Affairs

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El club de Guias Mayores le invita al Seminario de Dones Espirituales el Sábado 16 de Julio de 3:00-5:30 PM en la Escuela Adventista

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