Merry Christmas From the Office Staff and Families

Merry Christmas From the Office Staff and Families

On December 9, 2018, the office staff enjoyed a Christmas meal and gift exchange at the conference office. 

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Register Now for August 12-17, 2019, Oshkosh Camporee

Don't miss the 2019 Chosen International Camporee in Oshkosh, WI, August 12-17, 2019! Register today at

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Healing Through Music: Wisconsin Physician To Join King’s Heralds

The King’s Heralds has captured the hearts of Christians all over the world. With a music history spanning more than 90 years, this journey has just begun for Mark Ringwelski,

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10 Days of Prayer

The theme for this year's 10 Days of Prayer, planned for January 9-19, 2019, is "A Deeper Experience."  John 17:3 says

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Newly Elected Conference Executive Committee Retreat

The newly elected Wisconsin Conference Executive Committee held a retreat and met for their first meeting to conduct business this

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Lay Pastor’s Weekend a Success

The Wisconsin cohort of volunteer lay pastors met for the fall program November 2-4, 2018, at the Wisconsin Conference office in Fall River, WI. Personal Ministries Coordinator Pastor Titus Naftanaila, began the Friday evening training with “Stages of Spiritual Growth.” Various levels of Christian maturity were defined along with tips for how to interact with…

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3rd Annual Free Rummage Helps Community

Portage Seventh-day Adventist Church members recently presented Portage Food Pantry representative Bill Nelms with a check for $650. For the past three years the Portage Seventh-day Adventist Church has been holding a free rummage and giving the donated profits to the pantry. A tent is set up on the front lawn where church and local…

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38th Constituency Session Video Review

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Wisconsin’s 38th Constituency Session Conducts Business, Elects Officers, and Lays Out Mission for the Future

Constituents from the Wisconsin Conference met at Wisconsin Academy Church Sunday morning, October 7, 2018,

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Constituency Reelects Officers for 2018-2021 Term

The Wisconsin Conference constituency held their 38th session today, October 7, 2018, and reelected Mike Edge as President, Brian Stephan as Secretary/Treasurer, Adam Case as Ministerial Director, Linda Rosen as Education Superintendent, Juanita Edge as Communication Director, Eric Chavez as Youth Director, and Cindy Stephan as Planned Giving and Trust Director.

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