Web Designer Needed for the LightHouse Ministry

Web Designer Needed for the LightHouse Ministry

The Lighthouse is looking for someone to design and build a website. If you know of

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What Kind of Giver are You?

“Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the

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November Food Sale at the LightHouse

Enjoy these great prices on Vegetarian meat substitutes at the LightHouse in Columbus, WI.

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Certificación Salud Espiritual/Spiritual Health Certification

Le invitamos a la Certificación de Salud Espiritual presencial que se llevará a cabo el 19 y 20 de noviembre

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Godless Wisconsin Needs Jesus

Have you ever fallen in love with a time or place far away? For some, they long for the European

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Now That’s Confidence!

At age 92, former catcher, Ted “Double Duty” Radcliffe could still tell you baseball stories you

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“Pensando en ti”Retiro de Matrimonios/Couple Retreat “Thinking of you”

El 24 y 25 de Septiembre 2021, el Ministerio Hispano de la Conferencia de Wisconsin llevó a cabo su retiro de matrimonios

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Encuentro Juvenil de Adoración y Deportes JA/Worship & Games AY

Sábado 2 de octubre 2021. Encuentro Juvenil de Adoración y Deportes.

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Editor’s Note: Win the Morning, Win the Day

How you start your morning can set the tone for your entire day. Here are some suggestions to

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Pathfinder Leadershop

Pathfinder Leadershop is for Pathfinder leaders, staff, and teen leaders!. Plan now to come, learn

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