Consider the Importance of a Will

Consider the Importance of a Will

I received a letter from our conference attorney regarding a testator of a will who passed recently.1 This

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Editor’s Note: God’s Good Gifts

This week I planted about 900 daffodil bulbs around our house. I look forward to enjoying these

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ACS Grant Money Available for Renovations

The North American Division Adventist Community Services have a grant program for local ACS groups with facilities

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Milwaukee Seventh-day Adventist School 50th Anniversary

The Milwaukee Seventh-day Adventist School 50th Anniversary - April 8-9, 2022

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Save the Date: Wisconsin Camp Meeting June 10-18, 2022

Watch for continuing updates HERE on our conference website camp meeting page.

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February ABC Sales

Check out these February ABC sale prices.

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Entrenamiento por Departamentos 2021/Hispanic Departmental Training

El Sábado 29 de enero, se llevo a cabo el Entrenamiento por Departamentos para las iglesia Hispanas de

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