President’s Perspective: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

President’s Perspective: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

We are in the midst of a crisis like few of us have ever seen. A world-wide virus pandemic, travel restrictions, economic

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June Camp Meeting Announcement

It is with a sense of sadness that conference administration is announcing that our camp meeting is being

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President’s Perspective: Half Empty or Half Full

How we adjust to changing circumstances is greatly determined by our perspective. While I would like

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March 31 Conference Update Related to COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt people’s lives around the world we would like to share

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Update on Wisconsin Conference Recommendations Related to COVID-19 as of 3/17 (In Spanish below)

Responding to the statement from Governor Evers today, (March 17), and our phone conference with

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Conferencia de Wisconsin Declaración con relación al CORONAVIRUS, COVID – 19

Con una serie de casos confirmados de coronavirus COVID-19 en el estado de Wisconsin y la

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Wisconsin Conference Statement on COVID-19

Dear Wisconsin Conference Family, with a number of confirmed cases of conoravirus in the state of Wisconsin

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President’s Perspective: Lessons From the Doctor’s Office

I recently went in for a physical. They checked me out thoroughly. I wish I could say that everything the

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