President’s Perspective: Nourished at Camp Meeting

President’s Perspective: Nourished at Camp Meeting

Camp meeting holds a special place in my heart. I’ve attended camp meetings for 50+ years. I wish

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President’s Perspective: We Never Walk Alone

A few days ago, the Christian world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are arguably the most

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President’s Perspective: Contentment

In my devotional time this morning I read of Abraham, follower of God. Abraham was called to leave family, friends, and everything that was

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President’s Perspective: Trust

In just a few days I will climb aboard an airplane and fly for twelve hours covering over 6,000 miles, crossing 8 time zones.

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President’s Perspective: We Are Blessed

Years ago I visited with a distraught mother of a teenage boy who had just lost his leg, and had rock shrapnel throughout his body, caused by a freak

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President’s Perspective: A Tender Touch

As I write this evening my heart aches as I look at pictures of elderly men and women, survivors of the holocaust gathered at Auschwitz, remembering the

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President’s Perspective: Resolutions

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions in the past few days? Have you broken them yet?  Many are made at the beginning of the year, and

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President’s Perspective: A New Beginning

We are at the beginning of a new year and a new decade. As I look back at the last year I see many things

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President’s Perspective: I Cannot Even Imagine

We had a rule in our house. “No picking up or shaking the packages under the Christmas tree.” But there was no rule against

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President’s Perspective: All Things New

This morning I am getting ready to attend a funeral of a friend who died after a fall. Just a few days ago one of our pastors attended

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