Camp Lamp: Opening Weekend – 20th Anniversary of Fireside Lodge!

President’s Monthly Update: June 2024

The Madison Hispanic Church was established on May 4, 2024, with 51 members. We want to especially thank Pastor Evelio Miranda, Hispanic Ministries Coordinator, Asael Sanchez, the district pastor, the previous pastors who served this church, and the local leaders for their hard work and dedication in achieving this significant milestone. The Lake Union Executive…

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Statistical and Financial Review Report

The annual review was held on April 14, 2024.

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President’s Monthly Update: May 2024

The Camp Management Committee convened to review plans and strategies for the upcoming camp meeting and ongoing building and remodeling projects. The Communication Department updated and published essential policies. The Music Department of the Wisconsin Academy, led by Davina Lawson Fingerson, the Music Director, organized a very successful Music Fest. This year, they doubled the…

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President’s Monthly Update: April 2024

AU Board of Trustees, LU Executive Committee plus AdventHealth Durand receives Human Experience Guardian of Excellence Award

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President’s Monthly Update: March 2024

The conference office was busy in February, restarting major committees and activities for the new year

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President’s Monthly Updates: February 2024

In early 2024, a staff meeting was conducted to assess the previous year's performance and chart a course for

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President’s Monthly Update: January 2024

We are incredibly grateful for God's grace and provision throughout 2023. We witnessed His miracles in our

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President’s Monthly Update: December 2023

November is a significant month for family gatherings, including Thanksgiving. I am grateful to God for our church family

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November Executive Committee Report

The Wisconsin Conference Executive Committee held their most recent meeting on Wednesday November 8, 2023

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