Certificación Ministerio de la Mujer/Women’s Ministry Certification

El Pastor Asael Sánchez Acepta Pastorear el distrito hispano de Eau Claire

El pastor Asael Sánchez y su familia, su esposa Sonia, y sus dos hijos Jonathan y Sammy, llegaron de México en agosto del 2017 para

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Josefa Campos New Food Service Director for Camp Wakonda

Josefa Campos of the Maranatha Spanish Church has agreed to serve as Food Service Director for Camp Wakonda. She has a history of food service experience

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Five New Members Join Milwaukee Central Hispanic Church

Milwaukee Central Hispanic Church concluded an evangelistic series entitled, "Love is my Mission," with

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Independence Hispanic Mission Group Organized

The young Sparta Hispanic Company, first organized as a Mission Group in 2017, planted the Independence Hispanic Mission Group on November 3, 2018l This new

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Hispanic Mission Group Organized in South Milwaukee

The Milwaukee South Hispanic Mission Group was formed on November 17, 2018. The members of the new group are exited and ready to be a new light for the

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Banquete Evangelístico de la Mujer Hispana 2018

El domingo 18 de noviembre del 2018, el Ministerio de la Mujer Hispana, de la Conferencia de Wisconsin, llevo a cabo su 5to. Banquete Evangelístico, titulado

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