Mindy Jerkins Interim Teacher for Waukesha Campus in Milwaukee

Mindy Jerkins Interim Teacher for Waukesha Campus in Milwaukee

We are pleased to welcome Mindy Jerkins as the interim K-8 teacher for the Milwaukee Seventh-day Adventist

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WA Juniors and Seniors Visit with Nine Colleges

Representatives from nine Adventist colleges and universities visited Wisconsin Academy this last

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Christina Steffen New Milwaukee North Campus Kindergarten Teacher

We welcome Christina Steffen as the new K4-K teacher in the Milwaukee Seventh-day Adventist Schoo

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Postponed: Milwaukee Seventh-day Adventist School 50th Anniversary

Due to the current COVID situation in Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Seventh-day Adventist School has chosen to postpose

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The Shepherd’s House and Hillside Christian School Provide Beds for Kids in Need

The students of Hillside Christian School work with The Shepherd's House Church in a program called

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Hillside Students Learn About Piano Tuning

The piano tuner came to tune a couple pianos at our church and I asked him to show my students a

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Outdoor Education Report With Over 150 Pictures

Students from nine schools came together at Camp Wakonda for Outdoor School. The excited young

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Wisconsin Academy: Door to Door in Richland Center

Sabbath afternoon, September 11, the study body traveled to Richland Center to help pass out literature

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Join Wisconsin Academy Helping Afghan Families

The relocation of Afghan families into communities across the United States has created an

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Join Wisconsin Academy’s Run for Kosrae October 17

On October 17, Wisconsin Academy will host it’s second 5K Fun Run/Walk on the Wisconsin Academy campus. Students,

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