CANCELLED: All Pathfinder & Adventurer Events Through May

Greetings Pathfinders!

With times being rather uncertain and many hearts on edge right now, I thought I would let you all know that we have decided to cancel the Union PBE testing. The Union will be sending out an email soon about it with more information, but we met today and decided that all Pathfinder and Adventurer events will be cancelled until the end of April. This includes Adventurer Fun Day.

We will be updating you on the Fair as things progress, but we hope that by May we should have a better understanding of the situation and how to determine the best course to provide safety for our young and old Pathfinders.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. Have a good day! Stay healthy, safe, and focused on the reason we are Pathfinders!!

Pastor Eric Chavez, Youth Director