President’s Perspective: Camp Meeting Take-Aways

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This past Sabbath evening wrapped up our 2019 Wisconsin camp meeting. As I look back over these nine special days where our conference family converged for worship, praise, fellowship and just plain good times, many things stand out. Here’s my top 10.

1. We have a very special conference family. Members, and previous members gather from across the United States for this special convocation. “It’s a family tradition.”

2. God blessed us with amazing preaching and seminars, which helped us get a clearer picture of Jesus, and challenged us to help others see Him through us.

3. In addition to those who are paid to work at camp meeting (pastors, camp staff, etc.) we have a wonderful group of very dedicated volunteers that are essential to making camp meeting a success.

4. A little bit of cold and rain cannot stop us from doing the Hallelujah Hustle.

5. We are blessed with many dedicated musicians who shared their talents for the glory of God in so many ways.

6. Among our conference family are many people who are hurting, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Camp meeting is a place set apart for healing.

7. God is working. Long before we begin our work God is already active in working in the people’s hearts that He brings into our lives.

8. While we may not see evidence of our faithful service for God until Jesus comes, our dedication to serve Jesus will make eternal differences in the lives of those we come in contact with.

9. We have 17 new members who joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church through baptism and profession of faith this past Sabbath. Praise God.

10. Only 51 more weeks till our next camp meeting. I can hardly wait!

Mike Edge, president

