Have you Registered for the Hallelujah Hustle yet?

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This year’s Hallelujah Hustle will be both an in-person race as well as a virtual race for those who might not feel comfortable racing in a group. Registration will continue through to June 19 at 11:59 p.m., the night before the race. If you did not register during pre-registration (before May 1) t-Shirt’s will be available on a first come first serve basis for sizing.

Proceeds will go toward the same organizations as last year since we were unable to support them in the way that we usually try to. We are so excited to work with Primates, Inc., Wisconsin Conference Education Department, and Camp Wakonda and help support them.

If you have any questions, please contact Johanna Serna at hallelujahhustle@gmail.com, or our website at hallelujahhustle.com. We also have a Facebook group page that we encourage you to join for frequent updates and general encouragement.

Johanna Serna, Hallelujah Hustle Coordinator
