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Join in listening to “Forward in Faith,” a series of weekly sermons presented by various Wisconsin Conference leaders during this period of time our church buildings are closed due to COVID-19. As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we have a common belief in and commitment to Jesus and His Word that bonds us together as believers – the church. Historically trials for God’s people, while undesirable, have served to strengthen us in understanding more clearly our mission, and loving more dearly our brotherhood of believers, and living more nearly to our blessed Savior. We are confident God will provide the wisdom, growth, and unity we need for this time in history.
Click on desired sermon below as they become available.
Here is a selection of Wisconsin church services, Sabbath schools, and prayer meetings to join by phone conference, youtube, Facebook, and/or Zoom. Near the bottom of the list are links to, “Forward in Faith,” a series of weekly sermons presented by various Wisconsin Conference leaders during this period of time our church buildings are closed due to COVID-19. If you know of other Wisconsin churches we could include, feel free to notify us by sending information to Juanita Edge, Communication Director.
1. Ashland: https://www.facebook.com/ashlandsdachurch/
2. Chippewa Valley: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb8ekshKDv1wEjaPfthSGHA/featured?fbclid=IwAR1h_iNWMVf1e5vytmoLrgzbRylDJWIY4Od0VPn1mucyYJU3lt_A5h6IirU
3. Greater Milwaukee Adventist Fellowship: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY7ya9EdqJ0e2D_JAyt9QOQ?fbclid=IwAR0Vr3zZ1N4aFVzQrSILD5Be_ZESyrKOr0PC0SJg3gqv06l7gYTqPfOS480
4. Green Bay: https://www.facebook.com/greenbaysda/?ref=settings
5. Janesville District: Zoom Conference: https://zoom.us/j/5509375383?pwd=bzBwak9hamJ4UG10VFZqWFYxVUtOUT09 Meeting ID: 550 937 5383; Password: 1844
6. Kenosha Company: 11:00 am Sabbath, to join phone conference dial: 425-536-6353, code: 167229
7. Living Faith: https://www.youtube.com/user/LivingFaithSDAchurch?fbclid=IwAR00EXRfnskeqO5YrgKJhy5F3cREOy5bAGDByY1D3PS8r8slPRbx8hpEuOM
8. Madison Community: https://www.facebook.com/Madison-Community-SDA-Church-140203516021862/
9. Madison East: http://facebook.com/madisonadventistchurch
10. Milwaukee Central Spanish (Hispanic unified service): https://www.facebook.com/iglesiacentralmke
11. Northwoods District: https://www.winwoodsda.com
12. Rice Lake District: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008268332436
13. Shepherd’s House: 10:00 am Sabbath School, 11:00 am Church: https://www.facebook.com/theshepherdshousewausau/ or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrxaciu-eM1ee5yW-tOVzag
14. Willow River Christian Fellowship (New Richmond): https://www.facebook.com/Willow-River-Christian-Fellowship-658596597642261/
15. Wisconsin Academy:https://www.wisacadchurch.org or https://www.facebook.com/WASDAchurch/ or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNF5wtMOykN-BPUdjAMG77w