President’s Perspective: Nourished at Camp Meeting

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Camp meeting holds a special place in my heart. I’ve attended camp meetings for 50+ years. I wish I could say that I remember everything that I heard from every presenter, but I don’t. I wish I could remember all the people I have met and visited with in those years, but I don’t.

However, each camp meeting is special in that it has helped me in my spiritual journey. Even as we may not remember what we had for dinner two years ago on this date, we ate and were nourished. So it is at camp meeting. I have received abundant nourishment at camp meetings over the years. Sometimes it has been a challenging question in a sermon that got me to thinking. Sometimes it was the music that led me to praise God more passionately. Sometimes it was a presenter that helped me understand a single passage of Scripture that gave me courage and hope. Sometimes it was the friendships that were made or strengthened that I needed at the time.

I hope that camp meeting is a part of your experience this summer. You may be able to come for a single day, a weekend, or the whole week. Possibly you may not be able to physically attend but can watch the live-stream feed each day. However you experience camp meeting this summer I pray that you will be blessed, nourished, and will walk a bit closer to Jesus as a result of the camp meeting experience.

Mike Edge, President


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