Building Our Future: Thank You for Your Faithfulness!

Presidential October 2, 2024

As we look back on the journey that led to completion of the Building Our Future project, which included Division Pavilions, Medical Building and renovations across Camp Wakonda, our hearts are filled with immense gratitude and joy. This project, which began as a shared vision, has become a reality thanks to the faithfulness, dedication, and generosity of our entire church community in Wisconsin.

From the moment we announced this initiative, the response was overwhelming. Church members came forward with their time, talents, and resources to ensure that this project would succeed. Whether it was through donations, volunteer hours, expertise, or the power of prayer, each contribution played a vital role in the process.

We witnessed the true spirit of Christian fellowship and unity in every project phase. People worked tirelessly behind the scenes, offering their skills in construction, cleaning, and supporting one another. It was incredible to see how God used each person’s unique gifts to further this cause. The way the church family came together to overcome challenges reflects the heart of our constituent members.

Now that the project is almost completed, we can clearly see its impact not only on the members in Wisconsin but also on anyone who visits the camp. The new facilities will serve as a space for worship, fellowship, and outreach enabling us to welcome more people into our fold, especially children and youth. We are excited to see how God will continue to use this space to fulfill His mission.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering faith, hard work, and contributions of every Wisconsin Conference member. You have shown that when we work together to serve the Lord, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

As we move forward, let us continue to carry the spirit of this project into other areas of our ministry. We have seen the power of unity and love firsthand and know God’s work is never finished. Together, we will continue to grow in faith, serve others, and make a lasting difference.

Thank you for your incredible support and commitment. May God bless you abundantly for all you have given and continue to give to our Wisconsin Conference and His work.

Titus Naftanaila, president
Amir Gulzar, executive secretary/treasurer

Below are just a few pictures showing the results of how God has blessed Camp Wakonda through your faithfulness!