Bits and Pieces of Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy’s Week

Jonathan is doing a water filtering science experiment. He’s cleaning the water two different ways. He’s using a paper filter and rocks to see which one works best. He found that the rocks cleaned the dirty water better than the paper filter.


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Grades K-2 are working on writing personal narratives. Desmond completed his story on zip-lining in Panama and is sharing it with his classmates. After he shares, his friends ask him questions about his story and then they share their favorite part of the story with him.


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Peer editing each other’s compare/contrast essays today. As I walked around the room I heard suggestions being made, grammar being corrected, and positive feedback being given. I love to see students thinking critically about each other’s work!


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Learning about plate tectonics is so fun (and sticky)! Today 3rd and 4th graders modeled how plates can move against each other, causing volcanoes, earthquakes, or mountains to form. We used jelly to represent the mantle and graham crackers to represent Earth’s crust.


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