Amy Moreno to Teach at Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy

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We are delighted to welcome Amy Moreno as teacher for the 7-9th grade students at Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy. Amy and her husband, Kevin, who is associate pastor of the Green Bay Church District, have four wonderful children, Liezel, Viviana, Tobiaz, and Rowena.

Amy grew up in Wisconsin and has always loved church. But when she took part in some short term mission trips with Ultimate Workout and as a student missionary, she said, “I became more excited about ministry and finding ways to serve. Through this I grew to love Jesus more and more.” Amy studied Theology and graduated with her Masters of Divinity from the seminary at Andrews University. She loves learning and ministry, and is excited to serve as a teacher because it allows her to do both!

“I am passionate about finding ways to see how Jesus can be a part of every aspect of our lives,” said Amy. “Every subject we learn can become a foundation of true education. I’m looking forward to getting to know the students and learning together with them.”

Juanita Edge, Communication Director

