Aletia New Teacher for Milwaukee Adventist School

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Hello! My name is Aletia (pronounced A-lee-shia) Thornton, and I am excited to come teach 1st and 2nd graders at Milwaukee Adventist School South Campus. I’m from Shawnee, Oklahoma, but I have traveled to various parts of the country as well as overseas in Italy and Ukraine on mission trips. I enjoy reading, swimming, horseback riding, traveling, and collecting shells and pins.

My four older siblings and I were raised by Adventist parents who were not only involved in our church, but they were also very involved in various ministries connected to our faith including children’s ministries, prison ministries, and more. We enjoyed participating in Pathfinders, sunshine bands, and nursing home visits. We always looked forward to fellowship meals with our church family.

Early on I knew that I wanted to serve God and help others in that order; so, when God opened the doors for me to attend the Lifestyle Educator and Lifestyle Counselor programs at Uchee Pines Institute after I graduated from academy, I took it. Then God called me to stay on as a voluntary staff member for an additional year-and-a-half. During my time working there as a staff member, I realized that while I enjoyed helping people improve their health conditions, my true passion lay in educating others and helping them grow mentally and emotionally as well as spiritually and physically. I spent a lot of time praying, and seeking counsel, and was surprised when even people that didn’t know I was thinking about becoming a teacher told me that I would make a good teacher. I realized God was confirming my thoughts, so I pursued my Bachelors in Elementary Education at Southwestern Adventist University. I’ve never looked back or regretted that decision.

As I was finishing up my student-teaching experience, I received the call to teach at the Milwaukee school. I spent a lot of time praying over it and seeking counsel, and I felt strongly impressed that God was leading me to accept that call. I look forward to working at the Milwaukee South Campus with you and your children; and I’m excited to see what God has in store for us.

As shared with Juanita Edge, Communication Director
