Adventist Community Services at Camp Meeting

Wisconsin Adventist Community Services (ACS) will have many things going on during camp meeting this year. Make plans to stop by our cabin during the week!

1. Our donation project is to collect school supplies for the Westfield schools near our camp. Please bring your donations to camp meeting and deliver to the ACS cabin. See the list of needed    items below.

2. Meet & Greet: Sunday, June 16 at Camp Wakonda. We want to hear all about what your church has been doing in your community over the past year! Please come and share with us and learn some ideas from each other to try in your area. Everyone interested in Community Service is welcome!

3. We will be making dresses for Africa again this year. Stop by during camp meeting and learn how!

4. Make hats for the homeless: Yarn and knitting needles/crochet hooks will be available for those who are interested.

5. Demonstrations on things that can be made and shared in your community will also be taking place throughout the week.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at camp meeting!

If you have any questions, please contact me at (608) 345-3883.

Alice Garrett, ACS Coordinator