Alice Garrett, Adventist Community Services (ACS) coordinator for the Wisconsin Conference, was invited to have a booth sharing outreach ideas at the Hispanic Women’s Evangelistic Banquet, where over 300 women came together in Milwaukee November 17, 2019.
A large display table was covered with an assortment of ideas and patterns for the ladies. There were pillow case dress patterns for a mission in Africa, patterns for school back packs to be filled with needed school supplies, catheter and walker bag patterns, instructions on putting together personal care kits for homeless people, or victims of disaster or fire. There were even children’s disaster kit instructions for youngsters who are forced to deal with the trauma of disaster loss.
Alice encouraged the ladies to talk with their local town leaders, such as firemen and policemen, to find out what kind of assistance is really needed locally. She said, “Many have the idea that Adventist Community Services is just ‘Dorcas,’ a few ladies making quilts and sharing clothing. Although this ministry is very important, needed, and appreciated, ACS is so much more! It’s about serving the community with whatever needs your community has.”
Many ladies were excited to get involved and help. One lady asked Alice for 30 of the yellow disaster buckets to have on hand at her church. Alice offered to give her 30 buckets that were already filled with supplies and ready for use, but the lady said, “Oh, no. We can supply the bucket contents ourselves. Keep the filled ones for an emergency.”
“Our church people are so generous,” said Alice. “They really want to give and help others. It’s heart-warming to see.”
If you are interested in receiving yellow disaster buckets filled with cleaning supplies so your church can be better prepared for a fire or flood disaster in your community, contact Alice Garrett at, or 608-345-3883.
Juanita Edge, Communication Director