A New Look and Location for the Camp Store at Camp Wakonda

When you arrive on the grounds of Camp Wakonda this summer for camp meeting a few things will look different! The building that housed the Camp Store and the medical station is no longer there. As soon as the ground is suitable, work will begin to pour the foundation for the new medical building. It is expected that by the start of camp meeting the main structure will be in place, so be on the lookout for updates on that project.

However, this new building will no longer house the Camp Store. Over the last few months, volunteers have given of their time to work on projects around Camp Wakonda during our Wakonda Work Days. One project in particular has been our Camp Store, which now sits in its new location, on the east end of the Bookstore building. The pictures below show some of the work our volunteers have done and the progress that has been made.

Thank you to all our volunteers, prayer warriors and donors! We could not do this without you!

Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator