Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries

Ministries > Children’s Ministries

What We Do..

Children’s Ministries seeks to provide leaders with support, ideas, and resources for helping children grasp how much Jesus loves them. We offer various workshops such as Vacation Bible School and Children’s Sabbath School. Each summer, at camp meeting, tailor-made programs are provided for children between birth and twelve years of age. Through songs, stories, crafts, and classes, children learn what it means to live for Jesus.

Vacation Bible School

Dear VBS Leaders,

Thank you for investing in your children! We know that a VBS program takes a lot of work so we would like to thank all the volunteers that made it happen in our churches! Enjoy these resources:

Who We Are

Darnall, Debbie

Associate Superintendent for Education, Background Checks, Children's Ministries