Wisconsin Conference Presidents

Wisconsin Conference Presidents

President and Executive Secretary >
Conference Presidents

1863: Isaac Sanborn: IL/WI Conference 1863-1867

First president of the Illinois-Wisconsin Conference, organized October 3, 1863. Sanborn accepted Adventism in September, 1854, after months of REVIEW reading and Bible study. With a sense of his inability, he prayed earnestly that if God was calling him to the ministry, a goodly number of souls would accept the message wherever he preached. At the close of his first series, he organized a church of 21 members. In August, 1856, at the age of 33, he was ordained by Elders White and Ingraham. In late summer, 1867, Elder Sanborn offered the use of his cow pasture just east of Janesville, and Wisconsin held their first camp meeting.  Visiting speakers were Uriah Smith, James & Ellen White. 1,500 persons gathered for this first camp meeting. Pleased with the success of the Wisconsin camp meeting, James White, suggested a “general” meeting for the benefit of churches as distant as the East Coast be held saying… “A general camp meeting of this kind should be held annually, probably somewhere in Michigan.” Recalling this experimental camp meeting, Elder W. C. White, in later years, labeled it the “forerunner of camp meetings.”

1867: R.F. Andrews: WI/IL Conference 1867-1869

He served the Illinois-Wisconsin Conference for 2 years.

1869: C.W. Olds: WI/IL Conference 1869-1870

He served as president of the Illinois-Wisconsin Conference for 1 year. 

1870: Isaac Sanborn: WI Conference 1870-1873

Elected to the Illinois-Wisconsin Conference in 1870. Served as the first president of the “Wisconsin Conference” which was organized June 22, 1871   Sanborn died in 1913, at the age of 91. For nearly sixty years he had been a zealous debater and defender of the truth.  

1873: P.A. Thurston: WI Conference 1873-1874

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 1 year. 

1874: O.A. Olsen: WI Conference 1874-1876

Ole Olsen was ordained to the ministry at the Clear Lake camp meeting in 1873, and the following year elected president of the Wisconsin Conference at the age of 29.

1876: H.W. Decker: WI Conference 1876-1880

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 4 years. 

1880: O.A. Olsen: WI Conference 1880-1881

Elder Olsen was elected a second time in 1880 and served one year. After presidencies in Iowa and South Dakota, he was sent to superintend the Scandinavian work in Europe. The General Conference, meeting at Minneapolis in 1888, elected him to serve as General Conference President, which position he held until 1897. Elder Olsen is remembered as a man of earnest prayer.

1881: H.W. Decker: WI Conference 1881-1885

He served a second term of 4 years.

1885: A.J. Breed: WI Conference 1885-1890

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 5 years. 

1890: M.H. Brown: WI Conference 1890-1893

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 3 years. Had one of his legs cut off in a train accident.

1893: R.A Underwood: WI Conference 1893-1893

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for part of 1 year. 

1893: H.R. Johnson: WI Conference 1893-1894

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 1 year. 

1894: O.A. Johnson: WI Conference 1894-1896

President O. A. Johnson received this encouraging message from Ellen White: “You need not grieve over the wayward course of your two sons, Brother Johnson, for I was shown that your two sons would come back and accept the Advent message before the end.” Elder 0. A. Johnson of Oakland often recalled this promise regarding his two sons, Roy and Harry, although he did not live to see its fulfillment.

1896: William Covert: WI Conference 1896-1900

Serving for 4 years, President William Covert was instrumental in starting Bethel Academy in Wisconsin. It all began in 1899, when the Lyman Lumber Company proposed a gift to the church of 200 wooded acres west of Arpin, if the church would agree to purchase an additional 800 acres. Here was a real opportunity to begin a school for Wisconsin Adventist youth. Conference President William Covert met with church delegates to discuss the possibilities. After the usual pros and cons, Covert withdrew from his pocket a statement by Ellen White recommending this type of location for a school, so a favorable decision was voted. Adventist families then began buying land in fulfillment of their part of the agreement. So began Bethel Academy.

1900: W.S. Shreve: WI Conference 1900-1901

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 1 year. 

1905: C. McReynolds: WI Conference 1905-1910

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 5 years. 

1910: William H. Thurston: WI Conference 1910-1915

William Henry Thurston was born in Kingston, Wisconsin in 1855. He accepted the Adventist faith at the age of 25, and became a local church elder in the Hancock church. In 1890 he became president of the Wisconsin Sabbath School Association. In 1894 he traveled to Brazil, where he was the first official missionary to work in Brazil. After 7 years he returned to the United States. He served as the president of the Lake Union Conference and the Canadian Union, and the Kansas conference. In 1910 he became the president of the Wisconsin Conference.

1915: P.A. Hanson: WI Conference 1915-1916

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 1 year. 

1916: J.J. Irwin: Northern WI Conference 1916-1926

First president of the Northern Wisconsin Conference, which was formed on July 1, 1916.

1916: P.A. Hanson: Southern WI Conference 1916-1917

First president of the newly formed Southern Wisconsin Conference. Peter Hanson was a convert of Elder John Matteson in Norway. He labored with Matteson for a while, then came to Chippewa Falls in 1881. Hanson continued his usual circuit as a pastor responsible to two conferences, not laying down the mantle until he had completed 50 years of service for Wisconsin.

1917: C.S. Weist: Southern WI Conference 1917-1919

He served as president of the Southern Wisconsin Conference for 2 years. 

1919: E.A. Bristol: Southern WI Conference 1919-1920

He served as president of the Southern Wisconsin Conference for 1 year. 

1920: I. Woodman: Southern WI Conference 1920-1925

He served as president of the Southern Wisconsin Conference for 5 years. 

1925: B.J. White: Southern WI Conference 1925-1928

He served as president of the Southern Wisconsin Conference for 3 years. 

1926: W.A. Butler: Northern WI Conference 1926-1927

Elder Butler was the last of the Northern Wisconsin Conference presidents. The minutes of the 1926 Constituency session indicates that J.N. Rittenhouse was elected in 1926. There is no record that he served since  W.A. Butler was elected president the same year.

1928: E.H. Oswald: WI Conference 1928-1932

President of the newly unified Wisconsin Conference, (combined of Northern and Southern Wisconsin conferences) organized January 1, 1928.  

1932: V.E. Peugh: WI Conference 1932-1937

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 5 years. 

1937: W.H. Holden: WI Conference 1937-1940

After serving a partial term, during the constituency session he declined to allow his name to be considered for re-election as conference president. He had been in the hospital for 2 weeks, and doctors told him that he would need several months to rest before he could resume normal activities.

1940: T.E. Unruh: 1940-1947

Tobias Edgar Unruh (preferred name Edgar) was born in South Dakota. He began pharmaceutical work at the age of 14. He became a Seventh-day Adventist at the age of 20 and left his work to prepare himself for denominational employment. With no formal training as a teacher he was appointed to teach the church school in Rockyford, near Calgary, AB in 1920. He graduated in 1926 from Emmanuel Missionary College, and immediately was appointed to be principal of Hinsdale Sanitarium Academy. He served as education secretary in Michigan and the Lake Union Conference. In 1940 he was elected president of the Wisconsin Conference at a conference session when Elder Holden indicated that it would not be wise for him to consider re-election because of his health.  While he was ordained to the gospel ministry when he became the education secretary for the Michigan conference, he had no pastoral experience. 

1947: F.W. Schnepper: WI Conference 1947-1949

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 2 years. 

1949: Harold J. Capman: WI Conference 1949-1954

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 5 years. 

1954: C.M. Bunker: WI Conference 1954-1957

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 3 years. 

1957: Rodney E. Finney Jr.: WI Conference 1957-1969

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 12 years. 

1969: Kenneth Mittleider: WI Conference 1969-1974

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 5 years. Later served as general vice-president for the General Conference.

1975: Robert Dale: WI Conference 1975-1981

During his presidency, Elder Dale was instrumental in the purchase of Camp Wakonda (known as Camp GoSeek at that time).

1981: Jim Hayward: WI Conference 1981-1985

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 4 years. 

1985: Jere Wallack: WI Conference 1985-1989

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 4 years. Later Elder Wallack served in communication for the Lake Union, and the North American Division. He was instrumental in the development of “SONscreen, an initiative fostering film-making among young Adventists.

1989: Arne Swanson: WI Conference 1989-1996

He served as president of the Wisconsin Conference for 7 years. 

1996: Don Corkum: WI Conference 1996-2010

Elder Corkum is the longest serving Wisconsin Conference president to date, serving 14 years.  In addition to evangelism and planting new churches across the conference, Elder Corkum was responsible for the building of the new conference office near Wisconsin Academy, Fireside Lodge and the Pioneer Pavilion at Camp Wakonda, and two dormitories at Wisconsin Academy.

2010: Mike Edge: WI Conference 2010-2020

After serving almost 10 years as Wisconsin Conference Youth Director, Elder Edge was elected president.

2021: Titus Naftanaila: WI Conference 2021-

First  Romanian born conference president in the history of the North American Division.