The Promise: Reflecting on the First Advent of Jesus

Local Church February 28, 2025

The first advent of Jesus—the arrival of the Messiah—was the focus of the Ashland SDA Church over the last few months of 2024 as they prepared a dramatic presentation intertwined with music and congregational participation. This program, titled The Promise, was presented in December 2024.

The Old Testament is filled with prophecies and promises of a coming Savior. Yet, as centuries passed without their fulfillment, doubt crept in. Many were ready to exclaim, “The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth,” (Desire of Ages, Ch. 3, p. 31). The program opened with readings from The Desire of Ages, specifically Chapter 3, alongside scriptural promises—some well-known, perhaps too familiar, while others remain unknown to many. But we must not let The Miracle pass us by.

The story unfolded with Mary struggling to tell Joseph about her miraculous pregnancy, Joseph’s initial indignation, and his eventual acceptance after the angel’s revelation in a dream. It was a strange and wondrous event—far from the natural order of things. Just as Mary and Joseph wondered if they were the only ones who knew about the Savior’s birth, angels of light announced the miracle to the shepherds. Then, Simeon, Anna, and the wise men also came to recognize this extraordinary news. Yet, even as the message spread, many were unprepared for the kind of Savior God had sent.

The program’s finale turned the question toward the congregation: What kind of Savior are we expecting? Jesus did not come to make this present life easier or to shield us from hardship or pain. He did not even exempt Himself. He came to save us from our sins—something only He can do. As soloists and the congregation sang:

“Immanuel, our God is with us. And if God is with us, who could stand against us? Our God is with us, Immanuel.”

The Promised One has come to all who dwell in the shadow of death. The Light has dawned, and The Light has come. As we anticipate the second advent of Jesus, we may find ourselves asking, just as Mary and Joseph did years ago, “Lord, how do I fit into Your plan?”

This program was presented at the Ashland, Superior, and Hayward, Wisconsin churches, pastored by Jeff Veldman.

Kathy Just