God Holds Back the Rain for Camp Meeting Baptisms

We are praising God for the six individuals who were baptized in Sandow Lake at Camp Wakonda!

Camp Meeting June 24, 2024

Rain, rain, rain! We had a lot of rain over the last weekend of camp meeting 2024.

Sabbath morning, June 22, was no exception. Many people were praying that God would hold back the rain so the baptism would be able to move forward. We praise Him for answering the many prayers! As the church service began, the rain slowed, the skies cleared and the sun began to shine!

The rain stayed away until just a few minutes after the baptism service ended! People were making their way back to their campsites praising God for His goodness.

We also praise God for the six individuals who publicly declared their desire to follow Jesus and were baptized in Sandow Lake at Camp Wakonda!

Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator

Enjoy these pictures of the joyous occasion: