Easter Musical at Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Resurrection is not the conclusion, it is the beginning.

Local Church May 1, 2024

The Resurrection is not the conclusion, it is the beginning.

The live presentations of “A.D., A Musical for Easter and Beyond” recently shared at the Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church, portrayed events from Calvary to Pentecost and extended to the stoning of Stephen and conversion of Paul. The song lyrics call us today to “Run the holy race” and to “By the grace of God, Stand Strong”.

It is our hope that this music ministry inspired those who attended to have a closer relationship with Jesus and to feel the Good News of the Hope that is to come. Another benefit of this musical is that our own cast and crew were blessed by participating. During the two months of rehearsals, we bonded more with each other and welcomed other new attendees and members to join in this outreach. Wonderful church family relationships came as a result! For example, our newest baptized member volunteered to be an angel; a soon-to-be baptized member worked a spotlight; and other recent attendees and members joined the cast and crew in important roles. This was a blessing!

In his welcoming remarks, the Head Elder of our church told the congregation that “we are not professionals, but we are sincere and try hard.”  He then invited those in attendance to come to the Revelation Today Bible Seminar, which starts on April 8. Both the Friday night and Sabbath morning presentations found the cast in historical period costumes. Food and fellowship were shared after each performance which gave us the opportunity to talk with those who attended.

At the end of each performance, Pastor Rowell Puedivan stressed Jesus’ everlasting love for everyone and that Jesus promised to come back again to take us home with Him.

Each time we do a community event like this, we take up a free will offering to help the community. This time we earmarked the donations for our local River Food Pantry and to a family who needs help after a fire.

“A.D.” was created by Deborah Craig-Claar and Robert Sterling.  March 29 & 30, 2024 was the 2nd and last year for our church to perform “A.D.”  Our future Easter musical outreach will not repeat this exact show.

We feel blessed to be able to share the Gospel message with the community through these musical performances.

To view our livestream videos, visit our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUbATNdXmvY or Facebook page HERE.

Sue Martin, member of Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church