Meet Our Camp Meeting Speakers: Amanda Anguish, MS, LMFT

At just 9 years old Amanda Anguish had already built her first house. It was constructed from her brother’s diaper boxes and included miniature furniture she handmade. Ever since, she can’t help but see the potential in something…and someone. A graduate of Loma Linda University, Amanda began her therapy career working in addiction and later with at-risk youth.

Today, she works full-time at Beautiful Minds Medical in Auburn, CA, where she facilitates the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for depression and anxiety and co-hosts The Brain People Podcast. Currently, she is an editor of EQ curriculum for elementary students. Amanda, with her husband Tim, desires to help prepare people to resist Satan’s lies and to uncover the great Truths of God’s Word meant to protect us on the last battlefield, the mind.


Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator