The Fog of Doubt

“Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” – Psalm 31:24

“Even Christians of long experience are often assaulted with the most terrible doubts and waverings… You must not consider that for these temptations your case is hopeless… Hope in God, trust in Him and rest in HIs promises.” 1

In all my years of living in Wisconsin, I have never seen so many days in a row of fog in the month of January! Trying to drive in fog, especially in the country, can be rather nerve-wracking. You can’t see the side of the road or where you are in the road, or if there are deer standing in the fog deciding whether or not to turn in front of you. The road signs are only visible when you’re right upon them!

Fog is not fun to be in. Like an unwanted blindness. Doubt is like fog. You can’t see if the Father’s promises are still there for you. You begin to question if God still wants you? Has He forgiven you one more time for the same stumbling and falling over the same stone in your path?

Doubt is ALWAYS from the enemy! Not from God.

So, how does prayer help disperse this spiritual fog of doubt? I was asked recently by a young adult, “How can I use prayer against doubts?” I told him what I have to do when Satan presses the doubts in on me.

I go back to the Bible.

I look for God’s great character of love, grace and mercy. As well as His precious promises to all who will believe them. The Psalms are a wonderful and plenteous place to see Him! I especially use Psalm 103 as a place to start praying through.

My trust is in God being faithful and true to His word. That’s when faith really believes, when you’re in the dense fog!

Though your Christian walk may, at times, seem more like a crawl, just keep moving forward and believe God is true to His word. The fog will lift.

I leave you with a few of my favorite scriptures which have guided me through my times of doubt:

  • John 3:16-17
  • John 6:37
  • Ephesians 6:10-18, especially vs. 16
  • Jude 24 and 25
  • Matthew 28:20 – Jesus says, “I will be with you always, unto the end of the world.”

Faith in God’s promises will see you through the fog and into His marvelous light! 1 Peter 1:4


Forward on our knees ~

Lesa Budd, Prayer Ministries Coordinator

1. Ellen G. White, Our Father Cares, pg. 110